Supporting our ministry with a regular or one-time gift is the best way to help us achieve our ministry's goals. PLEASE GIVE TO ONE OR ALL OF THE CAUSES BELOW.
Your money help us support our programs in many ways.
Our Ministry here in Toronto has already started with positive testimonials that have been produced out of our church services, rehabilitation, counseling sessions and charitable work. We are motivated by the Love of God in Christ Jesus and our supreme purpose is to demonstrate this love to people around the world, so they in turn can become effective witnesses for Christ and effect positive changes in the lives of others, such as:
1. Individuals with Psychological Problems: - We are conscious of the fact that people are faced with various personal challenges that sometimes require non-medicinal solutions. This includes depression, mental health and suicidal thoughts; Personal/Professional crises such as Divorce, Unemployment, and Drug Addictions and so on. The Apostle believes that these individuals are psychologically captivated and are in need of help and Spiritual guidance.
2. We also believe that Individuals who are less fortunate and are challenged financially, especially those such a New or Undocumented immigrants in Canada without jobs and are being faced with much difficulties in finding a home to settle and sometimes are faced with other various challenges, such as, the language barriers they have encountered and are faced with; those such as the Poor and less fortunate individuals who are faced with various debts and legal problems and on the other hand, there are those who are Homeless and living on the streets and are in great distress, are in need of hope, comfort and care.
3. Individuals with Critical Health Illnesses/Issues - HIV/ AIDS - Cancer and other Terminal Illnesses - Individuals who have tried all medical options and still not cured, are also at the very ethos of our focus and mission.
4. Youths Under the age 25 (Vulnerable Youths) - Youths falling to peer pressure or lack of parental guidance - Youths who have made mistakes and feel trapped - Those struggling with financial issues - Unwed young mothers - Access to drugs and alcohol – with No spiritual guidance are also our prime target and responsibility.
5. Individuals who are currently or previously incarcerated – are in need of rehabilitation, therefore, our programs seek to Develop and Accommodate funding to build a Developmental Community Centre with a building capable of housing, providing training rooms, conference space and church services, which will offer a holistic approach in servicing our community centre. Innocent Hope Development Community Centre Inc., will also housed; Dorms, Rehabilitation Centre, Job services, Assessments Sessions, Tiered selection and graduation, Partnerships with Prisons, Schools and Hospitals to help rehabilitate these individuals in order to prevent incarceration and present a better alternative lifestyle, plans and activities to each of these individuals
Thank you for helping and supporting us. May God continue to bless you and your family!